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Equanimity - index

- Feeling Peace in a World in Revolution -

1. Towards Peace 13
   Objective - Equanimity 13
   The art of living 14
   About the book and the road 15
2. Understanding Life 19
   The one who questions 19
       First you know yourself 20
   The object of knowledge 21
       Introductory note 21
       Below as Above 22
       Metaphor for the creative process 23
3. Natural Laws and Principles 25
   What are Natural Laws 25
       Compliance and disruption 26
       Is there a fixed divine plan? 28
   Law of Divine Providence 29
       The order of being 31
   Laws of Dharma and Karma 31
   Laws of resonance and attraction 33
   Karma, Free Will and Justice 34
   The flow of Life 38
       Continuous change 38
       Balancing the opposites 39
       Rhythm and cycles 40
       Transformation and death 41
   Nature abhors a vacuum 43
   Law of abundance 45
   Interdependence of creation 48
       Receptivity of beings 49
   Principle of Hierarchy 52
       The principle 52
       Survival and success 52
       The myth of the adult 55
       Honouring the ancestors 56
       Respect for teachers 59
       Acceptance of leadership 60
4. Experiencing human life 63
   Who am I? 63
   Spirit and Higher Self 66
   Universal origin 69
   Incarnation in the three-dimensional world 70
       Incarnation process and the lower self 70
       Successive incarnations 74
   The family 76
   Creative energy 81
   Education 83
   Happiness 86
   Death 88
   How to prepare? 90
5. Twelve major themes in life 93
   Vital energy 93
       What affects our energy directly 93
       Physical and mental environment 95
       Effective energy management 98
   Objectives 99
       Expectations 101
   Life purpose 102
       High ideal 105
   Free will 106
   Vision 109
       Point of view 110
       Vision of the spirit 111
       Emotional disturbance 112
       Discernment 113
       Development of intuition 115
       Hope and faith 117
   Relationships 118
       Introduction 118
       Keeping Open 119
       The role of intimate relationships 121
       Bounding conditions 123
       Communication and trust 125
       Passion 126
       Sexual involvement 128
       Separation 129
   Managing changeovers 133
       Principles and purposes 133
       Coping with change 134
       Adolescence 136
       Middle age 139
   Fear 141
       What it is and its origin 141
       Limiting beliefs 142
       Fear of knowing 143
       Paralyzing fear 144
   Suffering 146
       Unsuspected causes 146
       Acceptance 149
       Healing through acceptance 151
       Transmutation and forgiveness 154
   Disease 157
       Causes and Cure 157
       Illness as Opportunity 159
   Judgment 160
       Warning about judgment 160
       Overcoming judgement 161
       Reacting to difference 163
       Developing empathy 164
   Ethics 165
       Natural ethics 165
       Personal values 166
       Ethics in socialization 168
6. Seven connecting factors 171
   Introduction 171
   Listening to the body 171
   Connection to the heart and the Spirit 174
   Subordinating the mind 175
       The activity of the mind 175
       Silencing and going beyond the mind 177
       The anxiety trap 178
   Mastering the ego 180
       The ego and its functioning 180
       Egoic conditioning 182
       Overcoming separateness 183
       Overcoming reactivity 184
       Overcoming egoic pride 185
       Appeal 186
   Active rationality 186
   Orientation Beacons 187
       Master of life 187
       Meditation 189
       Communication with the subtle planes 193
       Channelling and messages by inspiration 195
   Love and compassion 197
       Continue to love 197
       Compassion 198
   Conclusion 199
7. Seven disconnecting factors 201
   The danger of anarchy 201
   Emotional imbalance 203
   Toxicity and addiction 206
   Lack of introspection 210
   Rationalism 211
       Science as a materialistic creed 212
   Submission 214
       Disempowerment 214
       Submission to technocrats 215
       Submission to opinions 217
   Unhappy associations 217
   Conclusion 219
8. Self-realisation 221
   From personality to individuality 221
   Trinity of power 223
   Concentration 225
   Presence 227
   Equanimity 227
9. New Humanity 231
   Evolutionary path 231
   Evolutionary paradigms 233
   Aquarian Age 235
       Paradigms 235
       Managing the change cycle 236
       Overcoming resistance to change 238
       Overcoming hegemonic globalisation 240
       Present moment - wheat or tares 244
   Preparing the future 248
       The journey 248
           A personal account 250
       Aspiration, Vision and Values 251
       Am I prepared for the changes? 253
10. Ethical Values for the New Humanity 255
   Introduction 255
   The basic teaching 264
   Explanatory comments 267
       Interdependence 267
       Love 270
       Harmony 271
       Elevation 274
       Fluidity 276
       Conscious Action 278
       Boldness 282
       Power 285
       Respect 288
See you soon 295
Sources 297

Ana Isabel Freitas - Coach and Mentor


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