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About me

Ana Isabel Freitas

Reflection is in my nature.

O gosto por desvendar os mistérios da vida comanda a minha busca.

Ser verdadeiramente útil ao próximo é a minha dedicação

"We all have access to a higher form of intelligence, something that enables us to see more of the world [...]. We cultivate it when we immerse ourselves deeply in an area of study and when we remain faithful to our inclinations, however unorthodox they may seem to others. Through this intense immersion, over many years, we come to internalize and develop an intuitive sensitivity towards the complex components of our area of expertise."
Robert Greene
page 277, in "Mestria" (title in English "Mastery")

My milestones

The foundation of Yoga School of Funchal (2006-2017) marked the commitment to the accomplishment of my Mission: to inspire people on the path to self-knowledge and to enhance their happiness.

My desire for active participation in the community development process led to the foundation of Luz-à-Terra Association (2013-2018) and today I am founding member of Alémmar Association (2022).

Publishing my first book "Equanimity" in 2021 closed the first life cycle at 50, through sharing my systemic existential vision - a testimony and a legacy - and inaugurated a new cycle whose course unravels at the right pace that I wish to regard.

1st book translation (Mahavatar Babaji's Teachings) and 1st published book (Equanimity)
Social entrepreneurship
Luz-à-Terra Association and Alémmar Association
Energy management, Health and Well-being
Yoga School of Funchal / Mentoring / Energy therapies / Coaching
Management Consultancy and Training
Quality Management / professional and personal development training
International Relations and European Integration
University studies / technical career in Madeira's Regional Administration



For a long time I had been looking for someone who could assess me in order to improve my self-knowledge and demystify my moments of inaction and blockage. I felt and still feel the need to continue improving my assertiveness in order to balance my professional and personal life. To maintain my standards, I still need to be stimulated by the critical thinking of Ana Isabel's Coaching and Mentoring sessions.
Inês F. Lopes
Restorer and Conservator of artistic heritage and entrepreneur, 2022
It was really good and positive to have experienced Life Project Coaching with Ana Isabel, since, besides gaining clarity about what wasn't working in my life and what I had to do, it was even more valid to understand how I could do it! I thank Ana Isabel for facilitating this process and helping me to demystify something that was blocked in me! I strongly recommend everyone who feels lost, unproductive or in a difficult process of life change to try Coaching with Ana Isabel.
António Miguel
Business Manager, Systemic Consultant and Constellator, 2022
Working with Ana is to feel the benevolence of life based on Truth, Understanding and Righteousness. Ana is exemplary in the commitment of her word and in the excellence of her service in all her areas of expertise. She has a differentiating presence that transmits confidence and credibility when we deal with her.
Natália Nunes
Forest Engineer, yogini and mother, 2021
I am grateful to have met Isabel when she came to my tv show [Madeira Viva - RTP-M]. Good vibes, courtesy, resilience and knowledge about what she embraces.
Xana Abreu
TV show producer and presenter, 2021
Por muitos anos vivi acreditando que a vida era sofrimento e que eu era uma vítima das minhas circunstâncias. Não me conhecia, e receava olhar-me no espelho. Com a orientação da Ana Isabel, aprendi a reconhecer que sou eu, com tudo aquilo que eu sou e tudo aquilo que eu faço que co-crio a minha realidade. Com ela aprendi estratégias que como um farol orientam-me, mesmo quando caio e me perco no caminho. Cresci imenso e hoje assumo a minha responsabilidade por ser melhor e viver melhor. Na Ana Isabel encontrei alguém que me ajudou a conhecer-me e a identificar com mais clareza aquilo que é essencial trabalhar a cada momento.
Sandra Filipa
Content Writer, 2019
I was a sad person, with no self-esteem, I had constant anxiety that made me nauseous. I was dependent on medication to control my anxiety. For 13 years I tried different types of treatment and medication without finding a solution. After starting coaching with Ana Isabel and practicing yoga at her school, I can say that my attitude towards life changed and my life changed completely. I felt understood, I received guidance that I could follow, I was accompanied on a weekly basis and this helped me to change. I finally managed to come off the medication, I became a more optimistic, more independent, happier person and my terror - nausea - dissipated! For all this, I recommend Ana Isabel to whom I am grateful.
Filipa Abreu
Accountant and mother, 2017