Experiencing peace in a world in revolution: am I making you a promise or am I challenging you?
The book reminds you that internal stability (hence, equanimity) is the source of well-being. Consequently, you need to develop the ability to overcome traumas and preserve the joy of living.
Here you will find useful orientation and if you accept the challenge, you will fulfill the promise!

Featured theme
Karma, Free Will and Justice
"Jesus said, Whatever a man sows, he shall reap in return." - Pg.36
"There is no such thing as bad luck. Bad luck is the consequence of everything we have neglected, whether consciously or unconsciously. And good luck is the result of the good seeds we have planted, consciously or unconsciously." - Pg.36
- Is it really important to accept the Law of Karma? Why is it so important?
Did you know that...
Not accepting what is to be lived according to your plan of existence (karma), makes you waste time and suffer, then the results are not what you expected, frustration arises, you get confused and unmotivated.
What's in your plan of existence?! Is there a plan? Who has conceived it?
Shall we find answers?
Sharing excerpts from the book
I as the author in dialogue with my book share with you - the reader - reflections and developments on certain passages.